Coins and Australia - One dollar 1966-1984 - Australian banknotes price guide and values

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One dollar 1966 to 1984 - Price guide and values

The front of Australia's new $1 banknote bore a portrait of the Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, and a representation of the Australian Coat of Arms. The back of the banknote was distinctive with an interpretation of an Aboriginal bark painting by David Daymirringu and of other paintings and carvings.

One dollar 1966 to 1984 - Banknote of Australia

You can see the list of signatures on australian banknotes. To help you to know the meaning of grades such as G, VG, F, VF, EF, AU, UNC, etc., you can jump to the grading section. View the average prices of certified banknotes sold at auctions.



Varieties AG-3 G-4 VG-8 F-12 VF-20 EF-40 AU-50
Prefixes DGK to DPR - - - $1.00 $2.30 $3.00 $3.50
Prefix DGJ - - - $23.90 $44.10 $64.50 $80.00
Prefix DPS - - - $6.30 $12.20 $19.00 $24.50
Varieties UNC-60 UNC-62 CUNC-63 CUNC-64 GUNC-65 GUNC-66 GUNC-67
Prefixes DGK to DPR $4.30 $4.80 $5.00 $15.00 $20.00 $30.00 $36.00
Prefix DGJ $104 $119 $128 $164 $183 $325 -
Prefix DPS $32.30 $37.40 $40.00 $65.00 $70.00 $82.10 $104
Varieties SP-60 SP-62 SP-63 SP-64 SP-65 SP-66 SP-67
Prefixes DGK to DPR - - - - - - -
Prefix DGJ - - - - - - -
Prefix DPS - - - - - - -

Average prices of certified One dollar 1966 to 1984 Johnston-Stone sold at auctions


Varieties AG-3 G-4 VG-8 F-12 VF-20 EF-40 AU-50
Prefixes BBG to BLF - Commonwealth - - - $5.90 $12.20 $20.00 $26.50
Prefix BBF - Commonwealth - - - $56.30 $109 $214 $295
Prefix BLG - Commonwealth - - - $67.50 $146 $238 $313
Prefixes BLH to BYA - Australia - - - $5.90 $13.50 $22.00 $29.00
Prefix BLG - Australia - - - $69.80 $149 $259 $353
Prefix BYB - Australia - - - $54.00 $124 $169 $200
Varieties UNC-60 UNC-62 CUNC-63 CUNC-64 GUNC-65 GUNC-66 GUNC-67
Prefixes BBG to BLF - Commonwealth $38.30 $46.00 $50.00 $73.10 $75.00 $78.00 $81.00
Prefix BBF - Commonwealth $335 $361 $375 $425 $475 - -
Prefix BLG - Commonwealth $371 $410 $430 $496 $563 - -
Prefixes BLH to BYA - Australia $42.00 $50.60 $55.00 $60.80 $110 $113 $117
Prefix BLG - Australia $429 $479 $505 $678 $850 - -
Prefix BYB - Australia $250 $283 $300 $431 $563 - -
Varieties SP-60 SP-62 SP-63 SP-64 SP-65 SP-66 SP-67
Prefixes BBG to BLF - Commonwealth - - - - - - -
Prefix BBF - Commonwealth - - - - - - -
Prefix BLG - Commonwealth - - - - - - -
Prefixes BLH to BYA - Australia - - - - - - -
Prefix BLG - Australia - - - $2,900 $3,770 $4,000 -
Prefix BYB - Australia - - - - - - -

Average prices of certified One dollar 1966 to 1984 Phillips-Wheeler sold at auctions


Varieties AG-3 G-4 VG-8 F-12 VF-20 EF-40 AU-50
Prefixes BYD to CKD - Centre thread - - - $4.50 $10.40 $15.00 $18.50
Prefix BYC - Centre thread - - - $33.80 $72.00 $114 $148
Prefix CKE - Centre thread - - - $30.60 $69.80 $106 $135
DBP - Thick paper (000000 to 500000) - - - $18.00 $35.10 $58.30 $77.50
DBP - Thin paper (500001 to 999999) - - - $18.00 $35.10 $58.30 $77.50
Prefixes CGC to CPI - Side thread - - - $4.10 $7.20 $11.50 $15.00
Prefix CGB - Side thread - - - $29.30 $67.50 $106 $138
Prefix CPJ - Side thread - - - $29.30 $67.50 $106 $138
Varieties UNC-60 UNC-62 CUNC-63 CUNC-64 GUNC-65 GUNC-66 GUNC-67
Prefixes BYD to CKD - Centre thread $23.00 $26.00 $27.50 $45.00 $65.20 $90.00 $100
Prefix BYC - Centre thread $181 $204 $215 $289 $363 - -
Prefix CKE - Centre thread $158 $172 $180 $253 $325 - -
DBP - Thick paper (000000 to 500000) $104 $121 $130 $140 $145 $150 $181
DBP - Thin paper (500001 to 999999) $104 $121 $130 $151 $358 - -
Prefixes CGC to CPI - Side thread $18.30 $20.40 $21.50 $27.00 $60.00 $70.00 $94.70
Prefix CGB - Side thread $156 $169 $175 $223 $270 - -
Prefix CPJ - Side thread $155 $167 $173 $220 $268 - -
Varieties SP-60 SP-62 SP-63 SP-64 SP-65 SP-66 SP-67
Prefixes BYD to CKD - Centre thread - - - - - - -
Prefix BYC - Centre thread - - - - - - -
Prefix CKE - Centre thread - - - - - - -
DBP - Thick paper (000000 to 500000) - - - - - - -
DBP - Thin paper (500001 to 999999) - - - - - - -
Prefixes CGC to CPI - Side thread - - - - - - -
Prefix CGB - Side thread - - - - - - -
Prefix CPJ - Side thread - - - - - - -

Average prices of certified One dollar 1966 to 1984 Knight-Wheeler sold at auctions


Varieties AG-3 G-4 VG-8 F-12 VF-20 EF-40 AU-50
Prefixes CPL to DGG - - - $1.35 $2.70 $4.00 $5.00
Prefix CPK - - - $40.50 $72.00 $110 $140
Prefix DGH - - - $40.50 $72.00 $110 $140
Varieties UNC-60 UNC-62 CUNC-63 CUNC-64 GUNC-65 GUNC-66 GUNC-67
Prefixes CPL to DGG $6.50 $7.50 $8.00 $10.80 $13.50 $60.80 $108
Prefix CPK $166 $184 $193 $246 $300 - -
Prefix DGH $166 $184 $193 $246 $300 - -
Varieties SP-60 SP-62 SP-63 SP-64 SP-65 SP-66 SP-67
Prefixes CPL to DGG - - - - - - -
Prefix CPK - - - - - - -
Prefix DGH - - - - - - -

Average prices of certified One dollar 1966 to 1984 Knight-Stone sold at auctions


Varieties AG-3 G-4 VG-8 F-12 VF-20 EF-40 AU-50
Prefixes AAB to AGD - - - $7.70 $13.50 $21.30 $36.30
Prefix AAA - - - $169 $344 $485 $588
Prefix AGE - - - $245 $461 $731 $950
Prefixes ZAB* to ZAE* - - - $385 $788 $1,330 $1,780
Prefix ZAA* - - - $416 $878 $1,460 $1,950
Prefix ZAF* - - - $473 $1,000 $1,690 $2,280
Varieties UNC-60 UNC-62 CUNC-63 CUNC-64 GUNC-65 GUNC-66 GUNC-67
Prefixes AAB to AGD $40.00 $48.30 $88.40 $105 $130 $243 -
Prefix AAA $760 $874 $933 $1,340 $1,470 - -
Prefix AGE $1,100 $1,200 $1,250 $1,580 $1,900 - -
Prefixes ZAB* to ZAE* $2,300 $2,650 $2,830 $3,230 $3,630 - -
Prefix ZAA* $2,510 $2,880 $3,080 $3,480 $3,880 - -
Prefix ZAF* $2,830 $3,190 $3,380 $3,880 $4,380 - -
Varieties SP-60 SP-62 SP-63 SP-64 SP-65 SP-66 SP-67
Prefixes AAB to AGD - - - - - - -
Prefix AAA - - $2,740 $3,990 - - -
Prefix AGE - - - - - - -
Prefixes ZAB* to ZAE* - - - - - - -
Prefix ZAA* - - - - - - -
Prefix ZAF* - - - - - - -

Average prices of certified One dollar 1966 to 1984 Coombs-Wilson sold at auctions


Varieties AG-3 G-4 VG-8 F-12 VF-20 EF-40 AU-50
Prefixes AGF to AHX - - - $76.50 $180 $231 $304
Prefix AGE - - - $193 $360 $538 $675
Prefix AHY - - - $225 $344 $491 $600
Prefix ZAF* - - - $1,080 $2,210 $3,740 $5,000
Prefix ZAG* - - - $923 $1,900 $3,180 $4,250
Prefix ZAH* - - - $1,130 $2,440 $3,980 $5,300
Varieties UNC-60 UNC-62 CUNC-63 CUNC-64 GUNC-65 GUNC-66 GUNC-67
Prefixes AGF to AHX $519 $581 $613 $705 $889 $1,230 $1,580
Prefix AGE $811 $901 $948 $1,220 $1,500 - -
Prefix AHY $738 $828 $875 $1,130 $1,380 - -
Prefix ZAF* $7,000 $8,200 $8,900 $10,300 $11,800 - -
Prefix ZAG* $5,600 $6,500 $7,000 $8,300 $9,600 - -
Prefix ZAH* $7,300 $8,600 $9,300 $10,700 $12,100 - -
Varieties SP-60 SP-62 SP-63 SP-64 SP-65 SP-66 SP-67
Prefixes AGF to AHX - - - - - - -
Prefix AGE - - - - - - -
Prefix AHY - - - - - - -
Prefix ZAF* - - - - - - -
Prefix ZAG* - - - - - - -
Prefix ZAH* - - - - - - -

Average prices of certified One dollar 1966 to 1984 Coombs-Randall sold at auctions


Varieties AG-3 G-4 VG-8 F-12 VF-20 EF-40 AU-50
Prefixes AHZ to BBD - - - $5.40 $11.70 $17.80 $25.00
Prefix AHY - - - $230 $383 $631 $838
Prefix BBE - - - $58.50 $124 $219 $300
Prefixes ZAJ* to ZAP* - - - $356 $731 $1,230 $1,650
Prefix ZAH* - - - $405 $788 $1,380 $1,880
Prefix ZAQ* - - - $425 $855 $1,500 $2,050
Varieties UNC-60 UNC-62 CUNC-63 CUNC-64 GUNC-65 GUNC-66 GUNC-67
Prefixes AHZ to BBD $33.80 $41.20 $70.00 $75.00 $82.50 $90.00 -
Prefix AHY $1,020 $1,140 $1,200 $1,560 $1,930 - -
Prefix BBE $350 $383 $400 $444 $488 - -
Prefixes ZAJ* to ZAP* $2,160 $2,500 $2,680 $3,040 $3,400 - -
Prefix ZAH* $2,350 $2,660 $2,830 $3,240 $3,650 - -
Prefix ZAQ* $2,510 $2,820 $2,980 $3,360 $3,750 - -
Varieties SP-60 SP-62 SP-63 SP-64 SP-65 SP-66 SP-67
Prefixes AHZ to BBD - - - - - - -
Prefix AHY - - - - - - -
Prefix BBE - - - - - - -
Prefixes ZAJ* to ZAP* - - - - - - -
Prefix ZAH* - - - - - - -
Prefix ZAQ* - - - - - - -

Average prices of certified One dollar 1966 to 1984 Phillips-Randall sold at auctions

Varieties and details


Phillips-Wheeler banknotes of 1972.

Australian banknote - Twenty dollars 1972 - Commonwealth of Australia - Phillips Wheeler note


Phillips-Wheeler banknotes of 1974.

Australian banknote - Twenty dollars 1974 - Australia - Phillips Wheeler note

Thread (center thread and side thread)

Starting in 1974, the Reserve Bank added a metallic security thread down the centre of banknotes as a new security feature. Because the center position is also the place where people fold their banknotes, they used prematurely. This is why the Reserve Bank moved the position of the thread to the side. The location of the thread (a dark line) can easily be found by looking at the banknote with enough lights passing through it.


To identify how quickly currency moved around Australia and to obtain benchmark figures on the life expectancy of circulating notes, the Reserve Bank released notes with a serial number prefix outside the normal sequence. In 1977, one dollar notes with the prefix DBP were released from single starting points in Perth and Tasmania. The DBP prefix was later used on Knight/Stone issues in 1979. The unique, one millionth DBP prefix note was printed with a serial number of 000000.

Star (*)

It refers to the star (pre-decimal) or asterix (decimal) that can be found at the end of the serial number to indicates replacement notes.

You can find known star notes in the registry.

Australian banknote - Star replacement note

Last update : Tuesday, July 23, 2024

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