Thomas Stokes - Melbourne - Identification Guide
In 1857 Stokes acquired a press from W.J. Taylor and began to mint large numbers of tradesmen's tokens. He also commenced the Australian Medallic Issues. In 1873 Stokes took a partner, Martin, and the business was re-named Stokes & Martin. It added silverware to its product line, but the new direction was not well received.
The multiple varieties might be hard to identify or remember especially for new collectors. This step-by-step Identification Guide will assist you through the major varieties of this token and will help to associate it with the right variety.
Select the images below corresponding to your token to find out the exact reference numbers it is.
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Halfpenny or penny
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #507 (Andrew #517).
Stokes Vine Design
Is there a Vine design on one side of the token?
Other side
Which design is on the other side of the token?
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #492. Restrike from 1920s.
T. Stokes Legend
With or without MEL. after T. Stokes Maker near leaves?
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #494 (Andrew #521).
How many leaves on vine?
Which legend on the other side?
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #499 (Andrew #531).
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #504 (Andrew #540).
Is there a dot after Maker?
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #497 (Andrew #526).
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #502 (Andrew #535).
Letters alignment
Is the M of Market is above T or between A and S of East?
Leaf to colon
Is the leaf points to colon?
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #512 (Andrew #543).
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #513 (Andrew #544).
Is there a period after Victoria?
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #514 (Andrew #542).
T. Stokes Maker Mel.
With or without T. Stokes Maker Mel. inscription?
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #508.
Leaf to number
Is there a leaf under 6 or 8?
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #509 (Andrew #547).
Leaf to colon
Is the leaf points to colon or to S?
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #510 (Andrew #548).
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #511 (Andrew #546).
Leaf to number
Is there a leaf under 6 or 8?
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #517 (Andrew #558).
Is there the leaf points above or under colon?
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #515 (Andrew #556).
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #516 (Andrew #557).
Is it thick or thin?
Leaf to number
Is there a leaf under 6 or 8?
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #523 (Andrew #555).
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #522 (Andrew #554).
Leaf to number
Is there a leaf under 6 or 8?
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #518 (Andrew #550).
Leaf to colon
Is there a leaf to colon, between colon and S or to S?
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #519 (Andrew #552).
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #520 (Andrew #553).
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #521 (Andrew #549).
Which design is on the token?
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #528 (Andrew #515).
Other side
Which design is on the other side of the token?
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #500 (Andrew #536).
T Stokes Maker
Is it small or large?
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #525 (Andrew #509).
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #526 (Andrew #508).
Other side
Which design is on the other side of the token?
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #527 (Andrew #510).
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #506 (Andrew #516).
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #491 (Andrew #519).
Is there a dot after Victoria?
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #501.
Are there flowers under scroll?
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #498 (Andrew #527).
Is there a line between Cutter & Button?
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #495 (Andrew #522).
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #496 (Andrew #523).
Other side
Which design is on the other side of the token?
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #493 (Andrew #520). Restrike from the 1920s (deteriorated dies).
Which legend on the other side?
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #499A (Andrew #533).
The token variety is...
The Thomas Stokes - Melbourne token variety is: Renniks #505 (Andrew #541).
Prices and values
Find the value and more information on each of the Thomas Stokes varieties.